MPFI… What does this stand for? Is this a typo or a nice way to put an expletive? MPFI stands for Make People Feel Important.
Recently, I taught a class to our company about giving a client a "wow" experience during the mortgage process. Of course, we can do everything right and send gifts, but if we don't make them feel important, special, and heard along the way, it will have little impact. So how can we ensure that we do this for every client and partner we work with? A couple of things came to mind…
This is my mantra for the rest of the year and 2022…MPFI. During this "Separation Season," the time of the year when business can be slow because we take a holi-month instead of just a holi-day. I believe this mentality can help separate you from your competition in business and in life. I hope you take this little four-letter acronym and adopt it in your personal life and business life. It will have so much impact on those around you- and on ourselves.
Thank you for always reading! Wishing you all the best this holiday season.